http://www.brandilane.com/z/brandi.png http://www.brandilane.com/z/bryce.png http://www.brandilane.com/z/brandi_mac.png http://www.brandilane.com/z/bryceannie.png http://www.brandilane.com/z/sophieannie.png http://www.brandilane.com/z/sophie.png http://www.brandilane.com/z/bryce_foghi.png
Brand BB is the moniker for creative projects by Brandi Lane and Bryce Wengard. Together they live in Tacoma, WA with their large brood of pets. They have collaborated on projects regularly over the last two years.

Brandi brings an eclectic background and a passion for marketing to all that she touches, creating smart, relevant and compelling ideas to move brands and issues forward. She is a self-taught designer, coder, marketer, and writer and looks forward to sharing what she knows with you. Her first love is art and has always immersed herself in the creative world, in fact her first real job after college was an assistant to the manager of Pearl Jam. Brandi jumped right in and was soon working on various projects in the music industry for the next few years. Seeking a new challenge, she took her new skills to a young Amazon.com and helped hire and train new employees all over the country.

Since leaving Amazon.com in 2000, Brandi has spent her time between the advertising and non-profit industries, working with a number of local agencies, clients and vendors to bring new ideas to fruition.

Bryce also brings a wide array of skills and knowledge to all projects. With his background in sales, client services, and his passion for all things that move (fast), Bryce brings the yin to Brandi's yang in whatever they create. He is an active volunteer with the Greenwood Knights C.C. and is a regular foster pet caregiver.

Who We Are

A creative marketing team dedicated to assisting artists, small businesses, and non-profit organizations succeed in a competitive marketplace.

Specializing in web production and online marketing strategies, including social media, we are here to guide you through the sometimes vast maze that is online marketing.

Whether you need help on a small project, or have long-term plans, we can assist you in achieving your goals -- and help you find peace of mind, online.


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